Monday, 27 July 2009

The Prince of Darkness

To whom do I refer?

Baron Mandelson of Foy.

Read about his Bilderberg links here

George Osborne is being groomed aswell.

We are not being ruled by the Prime Minister, that should be patently clear now.
None of us have been ruled by a Prime Minister since Churchill.

Foreign interests along with those of the old ruling class namely the Monarchy have been involved and the Nazi links are quite apparent in the Bilderberg conferences.

The Queen idly gave her signatures to six EU treaties? Never She knows exactly what is playing out. Do not think she has been misled; She has not.

She has been promised something. Make no bones about it. She has more power than you know.


Dr Vegas said...

Very interesting. I'd never heard of the Bilderberg group until reading this.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Cassandras, as a Jew, where do you stand on the Zionists, in particular the bankers, led by the Rothschilds?

Cassandra Milner said...

Thank you for coming to my blog Dark. Thats a very good question and I would like to draw your attention to the following page
I'll probably put up a little post about it as its a bit long for a comment section but here is a small extract from that page

"At the time of the destruction of the Holy Temple
and the exile of the Jewish People, the great
Biblical prophet Jeremiah proclaimed G-d’s
message to all Jews: “Seek out the welfare of
the city to which I have exiled you, and pray
for it to G-d, for through its welfare will you
have welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:7) For millennia,
this has been a cornerstone of Jewish conduct."

Dark Lochnagar said...

Cssandras, That is a VERY interesting site. I'm glad you led me towards it as it explains quite a few things I was wondering about.
Right, so Jews who follow the Torah are Jews, or as an old work colleague used to say to me , 'follow the Jewish persuasion', who more or less follow the Christian old Testament, but stop at the Christ bit, but believe they are one of the three tribes of Abraham. OK so far? Right so where then does the Talmud come in and how are you placed on the NWO/Illmuniti/Zionist'rule' of the World with the Rothschilds and their ilk in the vanguard?

Dark Lochnagar said...

Cassandras, I lifted this from another site to demonstrate what I mean.

Over the last year I have learned a lot about the chosen few. I have gone down the rabbit hole and I cannot believe how far it goes - from the Rothschilds financing both sides of 19th C. wars (and according to a certain Anthony Sutton 20th C. ones, too), to the Balfour Declaration, to the Holohoax, to Hate Crimes and the imprisonment of those who criticise them.

The End Game is approaching though, and the next few decades will see their real agenda come to the fore. There will be a financial meltdown, terror attacks blamed on Islam (whether genuine or not) and possibly White Nationalists, too. There will be poverty and rioting and chaos. The Orwellian State they have been designing will suppress and monitor the people, and restore order.

Just to give you a taste!

p.s. most people just call me D.L.

Cassandra Milner said...

DL The Zionists, and the Rothschilds are Ashkenazi Jews, they are not descendants of the three tribes of Judah, The Talmud is all commentary on God's laws by several Levitical Priests over the centuries.

As for my stance on their ilk and what is happening in the world. Well we are being lied to, The whole state of the world is in peril

There is another website I stumbled across today

Dark Lochnagar said...

Thanks Cassandras that's looks interesting, although I will have to give myself time to go through it. A lot of it I am aware of, but there sems to be a lot of info on the Rothschilds and their ilk. Try Harbinger's Journal , although he is quite anti-semetic, he writes well.

Dark Lochnagar said...

p.s. Are you not also descended from Ashkenazi Jews? Would the Zionists and Rabbis preach from the Talmud or the Torah. What were you taught from when you were younger?

Cassandra Milner said...

Yes I'm aware there is paradox, because I too have Ashkenazi heritage, but as I mentioned before Jewishness is about your way of life, it is not race defined and I had no choice of being born in any particular race after all.
I'll have a look at Harbingers Journal.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Cassandras, what about preaching from the Torah or the Talmud? Do you not think that the word 'race' is a misnomer? Surely Judaism is a religion, after all you wouldn't say the Christina race or the Muslim race, whereas you might say the Ashkenazi diaspora or race?

Cassandra Milner said...

The Torah is the instruction manual, Judaism is a way of life, but I happen to be of Ashkenazi heritage, race was perhaps the wrong word to use there, I meant I had no choice of parents before birth. We all get what we are given after all...

As for the Talmud we could spend a lifetime discussing it. I don't propose to go into it here. I have a decent education that allows me to question everything which is enough.

Dark Lochnagar said...

Cassandras, true. The secret as you say is not accepting it and looking outside your immediate surroundings.